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Choosing Points


1. Move Point 1 and Point 2 and observe how the numbers change. Describe how the three numbers changes as you change the height and base of the triangle.

2. Move Point A and Point C and observe how the numbers change. What happens to the rate of change as the triangle becomes taller.

3. Move Point D and observe how the numbers change. Explain why they change the way they do.

4. Move the points until the rate of change is equal to 1. What conditions cause the rate of change to be 1? What conditions cause the rate of change to be greater than 1.

5. A plant is growing two centimeters taller each week. Move the points to demonstrate the rate of change and how much it will grow in two weeks. Draw a sketch of the diagram.

6. The diameter of a tree grows by half a centimeter every year. Move the points to demonstrate the rate of change and how much it will grow in ten years. Draw a sketch of the diagram.

7. Which points can you choose on the line of best fit to find the rate of change?